STAGE DIVES: Nick Cave & Warren Ellis' Carnage at Queen Elizabeth Theatre

STAGE DIVES: Nick Cave & Warren Ellis' Carnage at Queen Elizabeth Theatre

The new episode of Stage Dives focuses on Nick Cave's prolific career and the alternative icon's one night stand in Vancouver.

We broke down Nate's fifth time seeing his hero which led to a larger conversation on Nick Cave on MTV, his unused script for Gladiator 2, and the importance of multi-instrumentalist genius Warren Ellis. Like and subscribe for new episodes wherever you get your podcasts.

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Check out Nate's 10/10 review for Carnage here.

Here's the bling-spoofing video mentioned on the pod:




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We broke down Nate's fifth time seeing his hero which led to a larger conversation on Nick Cave on MTV, his unused script for Gladiator 2, and the importance of multi-instrumentalist genius Warren Ellis. Like and subscribe for new episodes wherever you get your podcasts.

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<iframe allow="autoplay *; encrypted-media *; fullscreen *" frameborder="0" height="175" style="width:100%;max-width:660px;overflow:hidden;background:transparent;" sandbox="allow-forms allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-storage-access-by-user-activation allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation" src=""></iframe>

Check out Nate's 10/10 review for Carnage here.

Here's the bling-spoofing video mentioned on the pod:




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